Monday, October 1, 2007


I did it. Scott Bayley has on his desk my resignation. I am done at Camp Qwanoes as of November 15, 2007. Though this may come as a shock, it shouldn't. It has been a long time coming. The question is... what now? I moving on, that's what's now. Moving on to the teacher life. But first... 3 years of school :( More studying... more working at Cactus... more time for relationships? not really sure on that front... More time to get counseling. YEs I am going to a counselor in January... at least that is the plan. I think the worst part is I have to move. I hate moving! So if you are inclined... I could use the help... more so in finding a place than anything. I would like to live in the downtown vancouver area and can spend about $800 a month.

In other news God and I will continue to dispute and struggle, but I am also going to relax a bit. I am going to step into new adventures and see what comes.

For those of you who haven't read my last Xanga...
I had a great talk with my sister last night. Sometimes I think God really knew what he was doing when he put us in the same family! She is pretty much amazing. God has gifted her in incredible ways... As blunt as she is, it's exactly what I need at certain points in my life.
As some know I have been considering going back to school in Sept 2008 to do up my BA and finish a Teaching Degree... I think its time to say goodbye to camp and walk into a new chapter in my life. A new chapter filled with some old stories... Back to Cactus (cause where else can I make that kind of cash in that short of time legally and morally), back to Harbour Dance (cause I need some sort of outlet), back to living downtown (cause let's face's just too convenient)... and back to real days off. But the story is I am looking at going to SFU in Sept. 2008 and doing up this degree thing which means another 3 years in school... but more likely 5 years in school at a slower pace (so that I can work, go to school and live all at the same time). The worst part of it is moving and leaving behind things that I have started. I really do love camp, but I think I need to get moving in another direction.
My sister mentioned that my life is a dichotomy of two lives (Camp Ryan and City Ryan)... and really the two have a hard time co-existing. So the new Ryan.... the real Ryan is about to be discovered... in which I am sure there will be elements of both Camp and City Ryan's. To be honest...change scares me. And maybe that is why it has taken me so long to move on.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Yay resignation!! Collectively your friends go "finally!!" Good for you Ryan; this change is going to be good.