Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Unqualified Blogger

I really do enjoy reading other peoples blogs... It amazes me at how articulate some of my friends. I have been challenged lately in so many ways as to how melodramatic I am... Sheesh... if I can't be melodramatic in writing watch out cause it will come out in action. (even more so than it does already). What else am I going to write about if its not my melodramatic rantings? My life is rather boring in all perspectives and anything that might be interesting is only so because of the people in my life. So despite what some people might say, if I feel like writing out my emotions, thoughts and rants than I will. If it bothers you then don't read it.

On a lighter note... It's Juniors Retreat. I love these kids! It's funny though, because I am realizing that Camp really is coming to an end in a way for me. Not only am I realizing that I more than likely will not be here next summer, I am realizin I am okay with that. Yes there are parts of me that long to be here, to be a part of the "magic" that is camp, to share in some amazing relationships etc, but all in all, I am ready to move onto the next phase of my life. It is truly a surreal experience. I am so thankful for the opportunities that I have had at Camp Qwanoes and the friendships that I have made here. I also know that I will never be completely separated from camp and that in some way I will always be involved. Camp holds endless memories, shared experiences, lessons learned, and so much more. I really "heart" Camp Q. As I watch these little Juniors and watch the counselors that interact with them I realize more and more that I love seeing people excel, I love seeing people rise to the occassion, and I love encouraging them in the roles they have to play. What an incredible opportunity I have had to serve in this place. What a blessing it has been to know the people that I have known.

Now, it's time to pack. Time to move to the next step. Time to enter into a new chapter. Time to forge new roads. What lies ahead? As cliche as it is... Only Time will tell :)

1 comment:

barkman said...

ah yes the great unknown. how exciting. and as for the melodrama. i agree use the bolg as it was meant to be at your own risk. i miss you friend. coffee?