I think each of us has been called to something in this life... the question is what? I don't blog very often, so obviously I have not been called to be a blogger ;) I have spent copious amounts of time in university, working in ministry and taking orders at a restaurant, but I was not called to do all of these things. They were just things that I did. Today I was riding the bus to yet another day at university and was overwhelmed with the fact that I need to be in ministry. The big question is how? I am a teacher. I am an encourager. I feel most fulfilled when those two things come together. Two weekends ago I was so blessed. I had the amazing opportunity if attending a conference for Gay Christians. I was brought to tears during times of worship, recognizing that there were people in this room from every branch of Christianity - Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, United, Baptist, etc. These people have been hurt by the church, hurt by their families, mangled by those they called friends, but through it all, they were still here not judging one another for varying theologies, but worshiping together, praising their Lord together, and being Christ to one another. I saw love, unconditional love, inspirational love at work. I want to see more of that. I want to be an encourager I want to be a lover. I want to spread love - to leave a legacy of love. I want to encourage others to love like that.
I want to encourage other Gay Christians - I want them to know that they are not alone, that they, like so many others, Love Jesus and want to know him more. I want to challenge them in their walks, to not sit and watch the world pass them by as they grow frustrated and bitter, but to pursue Christ with all that they are. In all of their hurt, in all of their fears. I want to encourage them to know Christ. To know the love that I experienced at this conference. I want them to experience that love. I want the church to show that love.